Fiber Arts Class

Overdyeing Natural Alpaca Yarns with Natural Dyes

Sept 21-22, 2024
Tunbridge, VT
9am – 4pm each day
Instructor: Jane Woodhouse

Class is limited to 12 students.
$250 includes materials.

Alpaca yarn samples dyed with natural dyes. Photo courtesy of PLY Magazine

This two-day class will work with a selection of natural alpaca colors overdyed with a set of natural dye extracts and indigo. We will work with approximately 6 dyestuffs in a series of color value studies on four natural alpaca fleece colors. In addition, several of the dyed samples will be further dipped in an indigo vat to produce a series of blues and greens.

Students will begin class mixing a natural indigo vat. We will then work on calculating and mixing dye stock solutions that can be used to measure and accurately reproduce color formulas. Class will conclude with labeling and sorting approximately 150 samples to take with them. Class notes will include complete instructions for mixing and reproducing colors.

This class coincides with the Alpaca issue of Ply Magazine, Fall 2024, and the United Nations International Year of Camelids. Jane’s article showcasing natural dyes on alpaca will appear in Ply. The class takes the article survey into practice with more in-depth instruction.

Experience level: all levels
Provided by instructor: alpaca yarn, notes, dyes
Provided by student: scissors

Please contact Jane for more information or to register for the class.
802-592-3062 (land)
802-272-2325 (cell)

Alpacas - overdye alpaca yarn in our Sept class

This class is sponsored by Vermont Fibershed and Vermont Sheep & Wool Festival.
It will take place two weeks prior to the Festival which will be on Oct 5-6 this year.

Instructor Bio

Jane Woodhouse, Brigid's farm owner and fiber arts instructor

Jane Woodhouse has been a student of textiles for over 40 years. She worked many years as a production weaver while raising Border Leicester sheep and angora goats. She is a frequent contributor to Spin-Off and Ply magazines whose primary subject is natural dyeing. Jane is a resident of Peacham, Vermont. She is a founder of the Vermont Fibershed and current co-director of the Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival.